(Joh. 1:1-5)



" In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was in he beginning with God. Through him has ever been to, and without him was not to become, to the. In him was life, and life was the people's light. And the light lit in the darkness and the darkness has not overcome it. "

"I begynnelsen var Ordet, och Ordet fanns hos Gud, och Ordet var Gud. Han var han börjar med Gud. Genom honom har allt blivit till, och utan honom hade inte blivit till. I honom var liv, och livet var människornas ljus. Och ljuset lyser i mörkret och mörkret har inte övervunnit det. "

Postat av: Anonym

johannes evangeliet . ordet var kött

2009-07-03 @ 00:19:14
Postat av: mari

'' ordet blev kött ''

2009-07-03 @ 00:29:21
URL: http://shahane.blogg.se/
Postat av: Anonym


2009-07-03 @ 13:02:43
Postat av: s

Bloggen e såå himla braa , fortsätt med det

2009-07-04 @ 17:34:40

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